Clean Your Keurig with Vinegar: The Ultimate Descaling Guide for Fresher Coffee

Clean Your Keurig for a Fresher Cup: A Vinegar Descaling Guide

Is your Keurig brewing just a tad slower, or has the coffee seemed a bit late? Chances are you have mineral deposits, commonly referred to as scaling. Not to worry, though; you can describe that Keurig easily with this natural cleaning agent you likely have on hand: vinegar! It works really quickly—when all the mineral deposits have been removed, it will allow for great taste in your coffee once again. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process.

Why Vinegar?

Vinegar is an all-natural descaler, though; it works to dissolve mineral deposits like calcium and lime that get into your Keurig. What could get in your way is that over time, these deposits can not only clog some of the works inside but can also make it brew slowly, deliver water unevenly, or even make your coffee taste burnt. Using vinegar for frequent cleaning will help prevent scaling and keep your machine functioning properly.

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Freshwater
  • A mug (large enough to fit under the Keurig spout)

How to Descale

  1. Check-in your Keurig manual. While the steps would roughly be the same for most models, specific details may vary. Reference the manual for any model-specific instructions.
  2. Empty the reservoir and dispose of any remaining water.   

    Fill the reservoir with equal parts vinegar and water.-1.jpg
  3. Fill up the reservoir with white vinegar. For descaling, most Keurigs use a 1:1 solution. Or, use the Keurig descaling solution following the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Closeup-image-of-a-hand-pouring-vinegar-in-the-reservoir-of-Keirug

    Put a cup on the drip tray.

  5. Turn the Keurig on and brew the most significant size cup. Some models might have a designated "cleaning" or "descaling" cycle. If not, just brew the largest cup size.
  6. Run the vinegar solution through the brewer several times. Continue multiple brewing cycles of large cups until the reservoir is totally depleted of vinegar solution.
  7. Let your Keurig sit for 30 minutes so that the vinegar solution can go to work in breaking down the mineral deposits.
  8. Empty the water from the reservoir and rinse it well.
  9. Fill the reservoir with fresh water, then run another rinse cycle. Repeat 2-3 times to remove all vinegar flavor.

Pro Tip: After the final rinse cycle, brew a cup of plain water to check for any lingering vinegar taste. If you detect a faint vinegar flavor, repeat the rinsing process with another water cycle.

How Often Should You Clean Your Keurig with Vinegar?

The frequency of descaling your Keurig depends on how hard your water is and how often you use your machine. Generally, Keurig recommends descaling every 3 months, or after every 30-60 brewing cycles, whichever comes first. Consult Keurig’s user manual for specific recommendations for your model.

Additional Housekeeping Tips

  • You may also use a Keurig-approved descaling solution in place of vinegar. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to use it properly.
  • Never forget to properly clean your Keurig by taking off any scale, K-cup holder, and acupressure needle with warm soapy water.
  • Routinely wipe the outside of your Keurig with a damp cloth to clean most of the dirt off.

Just follow these simple steps and include regular cleaning with vinegar in routine procedures to make sure your Keurig continues brewing delicious coffee for years to come. Enjoy a fresher cup and keep your machine running smoothly with the power of vinegar!